Last night, was Andrew's 5th Grade Patriotic Program. It was very nicely done and the kids are still young enough to be cute. I then realized that another last child thing was over! I was a little sad about it being the last singing program, but then I thought no more making costumes (although I did cheat on this one and had Andrew wear the same costume Jordan wore in 5th grade), no more practices and no more sitting in the hot school! I guess I still have the 6th grade stuff to go, but not programs!
The good news is that I can go to see the grandchildren's things when I feel nostalgic, but I won't have to actually "do" them!
Jill, I thought the same thing, at the science fair and went to the program not really wanting to. As they sang the songs I have heard 3 other times, it made me teary.
How can our babies be in 5th grade? What happened?
Wow Jill - I had put this so far out of my mind until I saw your blog this morning. I literally can't even think about 5th Grade again - Jayden is learning how to read - and count - and's painful but necessary I guess. We're going to Parent-Teacher Conference next week - only 24 more for Jayden plus 26 for Kaylee - nice little blessings! All I can really say is WOW............
I still have one more to look forward to which is good and bad. They did do a great job though. And Ethan really, really enjoyed it.
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