Thursday, December 11, 2008


I took Andrew, Ryker, and his buddies Cade and Daxten down to Temple Square to see the Christmas lights. It was a lovely night, not too cold. We ate dinner (at McDonald's - their choice not mine) and drove down. When we got there I found an awesome parking spot on the side of the road. We all got out and then I looked and noticed it was a handicapped spot so we got back in and started to search for another spot. That is when the trouble started. All the places I have always parked were gone, closed, under construction, etc... The underground parking was full. All the road side parking was full. Believe me I drove all around to see!! I was starting to lose my Christmas spirit. Luckily, I had to be nice because I had kids with me!! (I didn't use any swear words) Finally the underground parking opened up and we drove in. We couldn't find how to get out of there and so we (and a bunch of other people) walked up a ramp. It was crowded looking at the lights, but still nice. Ryker got tired of walking though, so I had to carry him. When we went back to get in the car, we couldn't get in the conference center to get back down to the parking area. After trying several doors, we went down the ramp again!! When we were leaving, the guy in front of us crashed into another car. At least that didn't happen to us! Then we pulled out and the parking cost me $10.00!! I was a bit irritated at this point so as I drove away I told Andrew to take one last look because that is the last time we were ever going to see those lights!!


Janette said...

LOL! That construction is awful down there. Your visit sounded a bit like ours. We got free parking, but it was a mile away!

Kristanne said...

Parking is always a problem there. We always parked at the mall, but I guess that will be out this year, as they tore it all down! Puke - we are supposed to go Monday. Maybe we will take the train!