Friday, August 26, 2011

Summer Activities

Ryker turned six in June - Can't even believe how fast time went by!!!

Sometimes you just have to swim all day long!!
Andrew, Cade and Hunter

Michelle, Brexton and Melissa

Andrew spent lots of time partying with his friends...
Family reunion at the cabin....

Melissa & Andrew
Ryker and Davis
The girls thought they were pretty funny because
the got shirts that said "Second Generation of Crazy"
Andrew & Me in the Trees

 Independence Day!!
Andrew, Brylie and Korbin
Matt & Emily

Rob, Ryan and Melissa

Now summer is over :( :(

1 comment:

Kristanne said...

I can't believe Ryker is 6. Wow the time really flew. I agree summer is over :< Boo Hoo. Back to schedules and homework, and early up!!! Loved talking to you this morning.