Sunday, January 31, 2010


I had my ACL tendon reconstructed and a few other things down to me left knee. I found out a few things about myself.
#1 - I am very impatient. I want to do things when I want to do them. I think of
something, like I want to get this or that and I want to be able to have it!
It even bugs me if I want to clean something up and can't! I do not like being laid up!!
#2 - I like having two legs that work! I like it a lot!
#3 - I like having my family have to wait on me! HeeHee! Sometimes they forget about me though! Just kidding - thanks guys!
#4 - The big earthquake in Haiti made me realize just how lucky we have it. I
was lying in my bed watching CNN showing all those poor people. They all just
had to stay in the streets. Many of them were horribly injured. They had no
doctors, no pain medication, no sanitation and no one to take care of them.
There I was - in my nice soft bed, hurting a little but with an ice machine,
pain medication and people who could help me. I had surgery in a nice,
sanitary hospital with little chance of infection. I have food and water
and a nice flushing toilet! I guess all that helps keep things in perspective.

Anyway, I am feeling better, but I am still a total gimp. I have to wear a brace and keep it locked straight if I walk. I still use crutches a little and I am not in much pain. I start physical therapy on Monday!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cabin Trip....for the Weak Kneed!!

We usually go up to our cabin after Christmas for a snowmobiling trip, but I am currently waiting to have surgery on my ACL and didn't think I could snowmobile into the cabin and walk through that deep, deep snow! Luckily, our friends the Peterson's invited us up to their much tamer cabin for a few days. The Cottams and Andrew's buddy Daxten went to, so we had lots of friends and boys! The kids rode the snowmobiles around in a field and Scott pulled the kids on a tube. It was a big cabin with water and electricity! Not really roughing it all, it was better than my house! We had a great time. Thanks Petersons!

Scott shows us his dancing moves in a game of "Would You Rather Do This or That?"

Daxten, Andrew, Jesse, Kia and Elle

Brett enjoying the sunshine!

Andrew & Daxten riding the inner tube!

Jesse, Dallin, Daxten, Andrew & Cam

A pretty rough game of snow football! The boys loved it!

Christmas Day!

Christmas morning!! Yea!
Andrew got the two things he really wanted, an i-Pod Touch and Modern Warfare

Matt is awake (sort of)!

Jordan always has really nice hair in the morning!

Brett has always wanted to be a Rock Star! Playing Rock Band...

My lovely children!

We went down and had breakfast at Melissa's...strawberry waffles with ice cream!

Melissa got a new red purse!

Ryker loves any presents!!

We spent the rest of the day hanging out at home and playing games. In the evening we went down to visit Grandma Olsen. It was a fun (and for once) sort of a restful day!

Christmas Eve

Well, Christmas came even though I was not ready....I guess it doesn't really matter if you get it ALL DONE because it comes and is fun no matter what. We spent the evening at Grandma Olsen's house, but first stopped by out at Tracy's to see the Peterson side and drop off our presents!

Ryker is getting ready to leave and go home to bed so Santa can come. He was so excited he could hardly stand it!

Patsy & Melissa

Me, Tracy, Mom & Cheryl


Jordan & Brady

Mom & Dad

We ate, visited and then came home for bed! All the good stuff in a holiday!